My friend Courtney, (the best hair stylist in the whole world, former snap! bride, part time snap! model, and avid snap! blog reader) coined the phrase "snap! shenanigans" one day when she was telling us how she reads the blog everyday to keep up with our adventures. I thought that was pretty funny, I like catchy phrases, especially when they include the word snap! Anyway... some of you may remember the recent blog post where we did a snap and chat with Mike Picard, videographer extraordinaire.... If you missed it, click HERE to catch up...
Why do Trish and I look so pleased in this photo? Well, when we visited Mike last we were giving him some unsolicited and probably unwanted advice on how he could put a feminine touch on his office and meeting area. That was back in February... it's April and we are back at Mike's- and he has transformed his man town office into a comfy meeting space. Check it out...

What a good job you did Mike! (I have some man type home improvement projects for you if you are interested...)

All Mikes man-town stuff is safely tucked away in his office now.

Meet Jackson, the newest member of Mike's family. Trish spied him napping in his crate. She's allergic to dogs, but couldn't resist snuggling him anyway... the doctor's say the swelling should go down soon.
Good Job, Mike! The new meeting room looks awesome!